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Suggested Reading:

"Courting Danger" by Alice Marble and Dale Leatherman.

(Autobiography of Alice Marble, tennis champion of the 1930's.  Tennis, Hollywood, WWII spy.) 

"Mental Toughness Training for Sports" by James E. Loehr, ED.D.

(Written in 1982, this is the best information on mental toughness training I have come across.)

"The Sports Gene" by David Epstein. 

(Athletic performance, nature vs. nuture, genetic and cultural studies current as of 2013.)

"Becoming a Supple Leopard" by Kelly Starrett.

(Flexibility and range of motion.)

"Stretch to Win" by Ann and Chris Frederick.
(Flexibility for improved speed, power, and agility.)

"The MVP Machine" by Ben Lindbergh and Travis Sawchik.

(High speed cameras and statistical analysis in pitching & hitting development.)

"The Art of Learning" by Josh Waitzkin.

(Trigger getting into the zone.)

tennis racquet stringing Winnetka Kenilworth Wilmette Evanston Glencoe Northfield Highland Park Northbrook Glenview

Dreaming of the big match.

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